Brunswick Mail – 1/10/2021

Dear Parents/Carers

Data Collection

Please can I remind those parents that have not handed back their Data Collection sheets yet to do so as soon as possible so our emergency contacts are up to date.


Please can we remind you to make sure you lock the gate when you go through it.  If someone is immediately behind you then obviously leave it for them but otherwise it needs to be bolted and the catch above in place.  It is vital this is done for the safety of all the children.

Buggies and Bikes

Just a gentle reminder to place children’s bikes and buggies to the left of the entrance rather than the staff bicycle area.  It would be much appreciated if the buggies are folded to allow enough room for everyone.

Learning Journey

As we are using a new Learning Journey Tracker this year we are still putting everything in place.  Please bear with us and it will be up and running for you to view in the near future.

Autumn Treasures

We would still appreciate you bringing in all your Autumn treasures that you collect on walks such as leaves, conkers etc.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Kind regards


Sarah Honey

Administrative Assistant


Save the Date

(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change.  Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)

Please note that the nursery is closed on Staff Training Days.


Autumn Term 2021 
Term Start date – (see individual sheet for your child’s start date)
Staff Training day – Friday 22 October
Half Term Monday 25 October – Friday 29 October
Autumn Term Closes Friday 17 December 2021
Spring Term 2022 Staff Training day – Tuesday 4 January 2022
Term starts Wednesday 5 January
Half Term Monday 14 February – Friday 18 February
Staff Inset day – Monday 21 February
Spring Term Closes Thursday 31 March 2022
Staff Training day – Friday 1 April
Summer Term 2022 Term starts Tuesday 19 April
May Day Bank Holiday  – Monday 2 May
Staff Training day – Friday 27 May
Half Term Monday 30 May – Friday 3 June
Staff Training day – Monday 6 June
Summer Term Closes Friday 22 July 2022