Dear Parents
Friends of Brunswick
Pumpkin Party
We are looking forward to seeing many of you at the Pumpkin Party tomorrow from 3-5. The party is in The Wild Place. Once you have parked, follow the path and signs straight along the path for about 50m, and it is through a gate on your right hand side. Please arrive promptly.
A few quick reminders.
- Please remember to wrap up warm, with waterproofs, and to bring torches as it will become very dark during the party.
- You will need money for the car park and there will be a ‘Guess the number of sweets in the jar’ for 50p a guess.
- Please make sure that your “bring and share” food is clearly labelled with ingredients (no nuts please). This food can be delivered to the cabin upon arrival at the party.
- Mrs Wilks will be telling a story towards the end of the party for which she has asked if parents can provide their children with a small torch to be used during this.
- If you are an expert pumpkin carver and have a favourite scooping spoon, please feel free to bring this. While we will have a number of knives and spoons we will need to share.
- To reiterate our email from last week, please make sure that you remain responsible for your own children/party at all times. The Wild Place is partially fenced in but not entirely.
- And finally, any volunteers to help with clearing away from 5-6 would be very welcome. Please contact or just stay and help.
Christmas Puddings
We are delighted to let you know that we will be selling delicious Christmas puddings and sauces from the suppliers of Fortnum and Mason. Plum, chocolate and sticky toffee puddings as well as chocolate and toffee sauces will be on sale from after school on Monday 13th and during the next couple of weeks. These make excellent Christmas presents. All proceeds go to the nursery.
Book Bags
We have now started Small Group Time with the children and part of this involves “share a story” where the children can take home a book. Please can we remind you that all the children need a book bag. This does not need to be one purchased from Brunswick but a fabric bag, big enough to hold a large book, with their name on. If the children do not have a book bag they will not be able to take a book home. Please check with your child’s Keyworker what day they need to bring their book bags in.
Large box request
Mrs Young would like a large (fridge freezer size!) box if anybody has one at home or work they could donate. Many thanks.
Save the Date
(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change. Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)
Autumn Term 2017
Thurs 2 Forest School – Bumblebees AM
Mon 6 Parent Consultations Grasshoppers AM/Dragonflies PM
Tues 7 Parent Consultations Bumblebees AM/Caterpillars PM
Thurs 9 Parent Consultations Beetles AM/Butterflies PM
Fri 10 Parent Consultations Centipedes AM/Ladybirds PM
Sat 11 Pumpkin Party 3-5pm
Mon 13 Christmas Puddings on sale
Tues 14 Forest School – Caterpillars AM
Wed 15 Collection for Children in Need
Thurs 16 Forest School – Beetles AM
Fri 17 Collection for Children in Need
Tues 21 Forest School – Ladybirds PM
Thurs 23 Forest School – Grasshoppers AM
Tues 28 Forest School – Butterflies PM
Thurs 30 Forest School – Centipedes AM
Tues 5 Forest School – Dragonflies AM
Autumn Term Closes Tuesday 19 December 2017
Spring Term 2018 Staff Training day Wed 3 January 2018
Term starts Thursday 4 January
Half Term Mon 12 February – Fri 16 February
Spring Term Closes Thursday 29 March 2018
Summer Term Staff Training day Monday 16 April
Term Starts Tuesday 17 April
May Day Bank Holiday Mon 7 May
Staff Training day Friday 25 May
Half Term Mon 28 May – Fri 1 June
Summer Term Closes Tuesday 24 July 2018