Brunswick Mail – 17/9/2021

Dear Parents/Carers

Welcome to Brunswick Mail!

Brunswick Mail is an important link between Brunswick and parents used to pass on weekly activity information, letters about trips, events and other miscellaneous information.  As a rule we try not to send out paper copies so please keep an eye on your inbox.  The subject line of all Brunswick Mails will be, ‘Brunswick Mail’ – followed by ‘ACTION’ or ‘INFORMATION’ as appropriate. At the bottom of this mail there will be a Save the Date list for your diary.

 If you would like this email to go to both parents and you find one of you is not receiving it please inform the office.

We have attached the menus for those whose children are have lunches.

Dropping and Collecting

Please ring the bell and when let in please wait in the garden for your Keyworker to collect your child. If you are in integrated care at any point in the week please go to the Funnell room and wait outside.  We are currently not allowing parents inside the nursery building to minimise the risk of infection.

Social Distancing

We would be grateful if parents/carers could maintain social distancing with staff within the nursery garden.  Masks are, at present, not compulsory in the garden.  Some parents choose to wear them and some do not but please be respectful of people’s preferences.

Inside Garden Gate

To keep our children safe can parents please ensure that the inside garden gate is locked at all times, both locks please.

Entering and Exiting the Nursery

Please can we ask that you do not hold the door open for others unless you know they come to the nursery as we need to be aware of who is coming in and out.

Please ensure you press the silver button to exit the nursery and not the emergency button as this leaves the door unlocked.


Please ensure all items of clothing and bags/belongings are clearly labelled with your child’s name.  Please also make sure they have waterproofs and wellies on wet days.  Children get wet and dirty regularly so please pack at least two spare changes of clothing.

Bicycles and Buggies

Please do not leave your bikes locked up directly outside of the nursery as it blocks the pavement and is a safety issue.  Can you also ensure all buggies are stored to the left of the entrance and folded, if at all possible, so there is enough room for everyone.  Please do not leave any bikes or buggies in the staff area.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are not allowed to be used on the premises including taking pictures.

Integrated Care Invoices

Invoices for Integrated Care and Lunch Care are sent out by email at the beginning of each month in advance, with the exception of September which will be on October’s invoice.  You should receive the first invoice at the beginning of October.  At the start of term we are flexible to changes to additional sessions booked, however from the beginning of October all additional sessions that have been booked will be charged regardless of whether or not they are being used.

You can pay by bank transfer or childcare vouchers – if you are unable to pay via these methods please contact the office.

Fruit Basket

We have fruit baskets located in each room and it would be very much appreciated if parents could bring some fruit/vegetables to share with the nursery when dropping off their children.


Please be aware that there are children in the nursery who have allergies and intolerances which include nuts and dairy products.  We ask that you do not bring any nuts/nut based items.

If you have any queries please talk to your Keyworker.

If you have any questions please contact the office and we will be happy to help.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Many thanks


Sarah Honey

Administrative Assistant


Save the Date

(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change.  Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)

Please note that the nursery is closed on Staff Training Days.


Autumn Term 2021 
Term Start date – (see individual sheet for your child’s start date)
Staff Training day – Friday 22 October
Half Term Monday 25 October – Friday 29 October
Autumn Term Closes Friday 17 December 2021
Spring Term 2022 Staff Training day – Tuesday 4 January 2022
Term starts Wednesday 5 January
Half Term Monday 14 February – Friday 18 February
Staff Inset day – Monday 21 February
Spring Term Closes Thursday 31 March 2022
Staff Training day – Friday 1 April
Summer Term 2022 Term starts Tuesday 19 April
May Day Bank Holiday  – Monday 2 May
Staff Training day – Friday 27 May
Half Term Monday 30 May – Friday 3 June
Staff Training day – Monday 6 June
Summer Term Closes Friday 22 July 2022