Brunswick Mail – 18/03/2022

Dear Parents/Carers

World Down Syndrome Day

On Monday 21 March we will celebrate World Down Syndrome Day and ask that children (and parents if you would like to) to wear odd socks or the craziest socks you own!  This helps start a conversation about Down Syndrome and raise awareness which encourages inclusion and understanding.  Unfortunately around the world people with Down Syndrome do not always have full and effective participation and we would like to help in getting this to change.  You can find more information on:

Junk Modelling

We always appreciate your donations of junk modelling but can we asked the donations are clean as we have had some food/liquids in some containers and we have to be extremely careful with allergies that children have at the nursery.  A quick check and wash if necessary will avoid any risk to the children.  Many thanks.

Woodland Donations

Thank you so much for all the woodland donations so far, this really helps fund our trips to the woods which the children love.  If you still wanted to donate we can accept these at the office or by transfer directly to our bank account.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Kind regards



Sarah Honey

Administrative Assistant

Save the Date

(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change.  Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)

Please note that the nursery is closed on Staff Training Days.


Spring Term 2022 Staff Training day – Tuesday 4 January 2022
Term starts Wednesday 5 January
Half Term Monday 14 February – Friday 18 February
Staff Inset day – Monday 21 February
World Book Day celebration Wednesday 2 March
Squirrels & Badgers Woodland Adventure Thursday 3 March
Rabbits Woodland Adventure Tuesday 8 March
Foxes Woodland Adventure Friday 11 March
Deer Woodland Adventure Tuesday 15 March
Red Nose Day for Comic Relief Wednesday 16 March
Pine Martens Woodland Adventure Friday 18 March
World Downs Syndrome Day Monday 21 March
Spring Term Closes Thursday 31 March 2022
Staff Training day – Friday 1 April
Summer Term 2022 Term starts Tuesday 19 April
May Day Bank Holiday  – Monday 2 May
Staff Training day – Friday 27 May
Half Term Monday 30 May – Friday 3 June
Staff Training day – Monday 6 June
Summer Term Closes Friday 22 July 2022