International Evening
Our international evening is fast approaching (Wednesday 23 May @ 5.00pm) and we would love to see you all there! There is still time to sign up for the evening the signing sheets are on the door in the nursery entrance.
Centipedes Parent Consultations
A reminder that the new date for parent consultations for Centipedes group will now take place on Thursday 7 June in the afternoon, please see Mrs Bliss to sign up for this new date.
Can you please ensure that your child has a sun hat and if coming for a 3hr session sun cream applied before they come to nursery. If your child is at nursery for a full day please supply a bottle of sun cream clearly labelled with your child’s name, the Keyworker will supervise the children when reapplying. Can we also ask that children wear suitable shoes for nursery – no flip flops or crocs please as these can cause the children to trip when playing in the garden. Thank you
Sun Hats
We have various coloured caps for sale at the office priced at £3.50 each.
Friends of Brunswick
The Friends of Brunswick are delighted to provide you with a sneak preview of the Brunswick Recipe book to which many of you have contributed recipes, and many of the children have contributed drawings.
Please pre-order them today for our discounted price of £9, at:
The final opportunity for pre-orders will be at the International Evening on the 23rd May.