Dear Parents
EExAT Codes
Can we remind you that your individual codes are available to collect at the Office for accessing your EExAT tracker.
Keep us Informed
Please can we remind parents to let us know as soon as possible, on the day, if your child is unwell. If they are unable to come to Nursery for another reason we also need to know so we can order the correct amount of lunches. We would also appreciate it if you can inform us of holidays or planned absences in good time.
Fruit Donations
Our fruit basket is looking a little empty at the moment especially towards the end of the week, we would be grateful for donations of fruit for the children to share at snack time. Thank you
Afterschool Club
Regarding our early closing time on Thursday 1 and Friday 2 March parents affected by this will see credits on their accounts in their April invoice. Please contact Joann should you have any queries.
Friends of Brunswick
Would you like to meet other parents or just want to have a nice chat over a drink? The Friends of Brunswick will definitely be there on our “Meet the Parents” event on Thursday 15 March between 8 and 10pm at the Burleigh Arms, Maids Causeway. It is also possible to eat if you choose to.
Just fill in our Doodle: if you would like to be there too. We look forward to seeing you on the night!
We still have some unclaimed prizes from the fortune cookies. If you have a gold or silver ticket and haven’t yet claimed your prize please do so by Friday 9th March. We have had some recipe submissions but would like more. Please send us your family’s favourite recipe to add to the book. Ahead of the Spring Fair to be held at Brunswick on Saturday 28th April (please save the date), one thing we will be asking for is donations of decent, second hand books, toys and children’s clothes. If you are having a ‘spring’’ clear out please bear this in mind. We will be asking for things to be brought in after the Easter holidays.
Save the Date
(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change. Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)
Thur 15 “Meet the Parents” event (FoB)
Spring Term Closes Thursday 29 March 2018
Summer Term Staff Training day Monday 16 April
Term Starts Tuesday 17 April
Sat 28 FoB Spring Fair
May Day Bank Holiday Mon 7 May
Staff Training day Friday 25 May
Half Term Mon 28 May – Fri 1 June
Summer Term Closes Tuesday 24 July 2018 (no afterschool club on this day)
Please note nursery is closed on Staff Training days