Dear Parents
Please remember to check below when your child has their end of year singing.
We have sent out a request for parents to complete a survey and questionnaire by email today and would really appreciate it if you could take a few moments to complete these. The feedback helps us to keep improving on what we do.
As you may be aware we are saying goodbye to Mrs Bliss and Mrs Cook who are moving on to other things. We wish them the very best in their new positions and will obviously miss them terribly.
Friends of Brunswick
We would like to extend a massive thank you to you all for your support for the friends of Brunswick this year. From numerous cake sales, Christmas pudding sales, the pumpkin party, the Chinese New Year celebrations, the spring fair, the sponsored Heptathlon and our recipe books we have raised in excess of £3500. This is absolutely fabulous and it has been down to your continued support – we couldn’t have done it without you so thank you.
There will be a final opportunity to buy extra recipe books at the singing in the garden (Friday and Tuesday) so please help us to sell them all and tuck away a few for presents.
Hopefully we will see many of you on Sunday for our picnic from 12-2 on the 22nd July on Jesus Green. It would be lovely to see lots of Brunswick families.
Integrated Care
Could all parents please ensure that your final invoices arepaid by Tuesday 24 July. All accounts should be at zero balance by the end of term. Thank you.
We can’t believe this is the last Friday email of the year! We hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing summer and we wish all the children well for the start of their learning journey at primary school. Thank you to everybody for another wonderful year.
Best wishes
Sarah Barton
Administrative Assistant
Save the Date
(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change. Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)
Summer Term
Tues 24 11.15am Grasshoppers/Bumblebees/Fireflies singing
Tues 24 2.40pm Dragonflies/Caterpillars singing
Tues 24 3.15pm Ladybirds/Butterflies singing
Summer Term Closes Tuesday 24 July 2018 (no afterschool club on this day)
Please note nursery is closed on Staff Training days