Brunswick Mail – 21/05/21

Dear Parents/Carers

Ark Farm Visit

We have the animals visiting from Ark Farm next week.  Please can you speak or email your Keyworker if your child has any animal allergy or is wary of being near animals.


The gate is being left open/unlocked when parents are coming in and out.  Please can we ask that you make sure you bolt it and put the catch on if there is nobody coming through immediately behind you.  We cannot stress how important this is for the safety of all the children.


We have noticed that some of you are not wearing facemasks when you are on the nursery premises.  Unless you have a medical exemption then this is a requirement stated on government guidelines and we would appreciate it if you could follow this.


We would appreciate any donations of spare socks.

Woodland Adventure

Many thanks to all the parents that helped in the woods and the generous donations.

Engineering Project

The Otters and Hedgehogs would like donations, after half term, of old phones or keyboards or other small items that they can take apart for an engineering project.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Kind regards


Sarah Honey

Administrative Assistant

Save the Date

(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change.  Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)

Please note that the Nursery is closed on Staff Training Days.                                                                             

Summer Term 2021 Staff Training day – Monday 12 April
Tuesday 13 April Term Starts
Monday 19 – 30 April Living Eggs
Monday 3 May May Day Bank Holiday
Wednesday 12 May Learning Bus
Thursday 13 May Learning Bus
Wednesday 19 May Woodland Adventure – Otters & Hedgehogs
Wednesday 26 May Ark Farm Visit
Friday 28 May Staff Training Day
Monday 31 May – Friday 4 June Half Term
Summer Term Closes Thursday 22 July 2021