Brunswick Mail 23/3/18

Dear Parents

Please find attached This Week at Brunswick and Sign of the Week.

Friends of Brunswick

Many thanks for all your support for the cake sale. We raised a very respectable £149.63.

Please save the date for the Spring Fair – 2-4pm on Saturday 28th April and please start collecting filled jars/bottles as well as good quality second hand children’s clothes, toys and books. More information and stall manning sign up sheets in due course.

Thank you for your lovely recipes for our book. We are keen to include children’s artwork, drawn by every child in the nursery if possible, of their favourite food. It doesn’t matter how polished you feel these are – it will be lovely to have them anyway. If you are able to do this at home with your child and leave it at the office we would love to include them. Please put your child’s name and the name of the food on the back of the artwork. We need these, at the latest, by 20th April.


Save the Date

(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change.  Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)

Spring Term Closes                         Thursday 29 March 2018


Sat 28                                                FoB Spring Fair                                             

Summer Term                           Staff Training day Monday 16 April

Term Starts Tuesday 17 April

May Day Bank Holiday Mon 7 May

Staff Training day Friday 25 May

Half Term                                          Mon 28 May – Fri 1 June

Summer Term Closes                      Tuesday 24 July 2018 (no afterschool club on this day)


Please note nursery is closed on Staff Training days