Brunswick Mail – 26/4/2019

Dear Parents

Parent Consultations

These will take place from Monday 13 to Friday 17 May and enable you to talk to your Keyworker about progress and transition to school.  Please sign up on the sheet your Keyworker has with your session times.  Consultations are kept to a strict 10 minute slot so if you want to discuss any additional concerns then please make a separate appointment.  If you cannot make those times then please arrange another slot with Keyworker.

Forest Visits for Beetles and Centipedes – Volunteer Helpers

Centipedes are going to the forest on 2 May and Beetles on 9 May, they don’t have many volunteers to help and without enough adults the trips may not be able to go ahead.  If you or a grandparent are able to help at your child’s group trip please speak to Mrs Nuttall or Mrs Wilkes. Thank you.

International Evening

We will be holding an International Evening on Wednesday 5 June from 5.00 to 6.30.  It is a gear opportunity for pupils and parents to share their different cultures and we encourage families to bring in a dish to share.  Please see attached poster.  There will be a sign-up sheet in Reception for you to list what you are bringing so we have a wide range of dishes and not too many duplicates.

Summer Weather

As we now have the warmer weather arriving, and hopefully staying, can we ask that you put a sunhat in your child’s bag and put sun cream on them at the start of their session.  If your child is here all day can you bring in a labelled bottle of sun cream and we will re-apply it in the day.  We are happy for you to have use of the garden for 30 minutes after your sessions (please vacate by 12.15pm or 4.15pm) however can you please ensure that you supervise your children and please leave it as you found it by tidying away any toys that you may have used.  Thank you.

Brunswick Spring Fair

Reminder that the Brunswick Spring Fair is on Saturday 11 May from 11.00 to 1.00, see poster for details. There will be plenty of stalls and activities to make it a great event for all the family, with all proceeds going to the Forest School. Everyone welcome so please spread the word.

The Friends of Brunswick are desperate for volunteers to support the event on the day, please sign up at the office. There will also be a meeting on Thursday 2 May, 12.30-13.30 in the cabin at Brunswick, so please do come along if you are able to help out. Alternatively drop Annette an email at or Whats App/ text on 07870 882797.

We will also be asking for donations for the tombola, bric-a-brac, book and clothing stalls, with more information to follow.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Best wishes

Sarah Honey

Administrative Assistant

Save the Date

(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change.  Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)

Summer Term
Tuesday 23 Term Starts
Tuesday 30 Dragonflies Forest School AM
Tuesday 30 Butterflies Forest School PM
Thursday 2 Bumblebees Forest School AM
Thursday 2 Centipedes Forest School PM
Monday 6 May Day Bank Holiday (Nursery closed)
Tuesday 7 Caterpillars Forest School AM
Tuesday 7 Ladybirds Forest School PM
Thursday 9 Grasshoppers Forest School AM
Thursday 9 Beetles Forest School PM
Saturday 11 Spring Fair
Monday 13 Parent Consultations commence
Monday 27 – Friday 31 Half Term (Nursery closed)
Monday 3 Staff Training Day (Nursery closed)
Tuesday 18 Grasshoppers Forest School AM
Thursday 20 Centipedes Forest School AM
Thursday 20 Ladybirds Forest School PM
Tuesday 25 Dragonflies Forest School (all day)
Thursday 27 Beetles Forest School AM
Thursday 27 Butterflies Forest School PM
Tuesday 2 Caterpillars Forest School (all day)
Thursday 4 Bumblebees Forest School AM
Tuesday 23 Summer Term closes
Wednesday 24 Staff Training Day (Nursery closed)

Please note Nursery is closed on Staff Training days