Brunswick Mail – 28/05/2021

Dear Parents/Carers

Please remember there is a Training Day tomorrow, Friday 28th, and half term is next week. We look forward to seeing you back on Monday 7th June.

Head lice
We have a case of head lice in the nursery. Please check your child’s hair and treat if you find any as soon as possible.

Warm weather
In the event of some much hoped for summer sun can we ask that children bring named sunhats, and for children that are here all day, named sun cream. If children are only here for half a day then please can you apply sun cream before they come to nursery.

Have a wonderful and relaxing half term.

Kind regards

Sarah Honey
Administrative Assistant


Save the Date

(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change.  Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)

Please note that the Nursery is closed on Staff Training Days.                                                                             

Summer Term 2021 Staff Training day – Monday 12 April
Tuesday 13 April Term Starts
Monday 19 – 30 April Living Eggs
Monday 3 May May Day Bank Holiday
Wednesday 12 May Learning Bus
Thursday 13 May Learning Bus
Wednesday 19 May Woodland Adventure – Otters & Hedgehogs
Wednesday 26 May Ark Farm Visit
Friday 28 May Staff Training Day
Monday 31 May – Friday 4 June Half Term
Summer Term Closes Thursday 22 July 2021