Dear Parents
Happy New Year to you all and a big welcome back to Brunswick!
Please can we remind you to sign the petition to Save Nursery Schools which is located at the office. If you have any petitions please can you return them to the office by Tuesday 8 January.
We have a request for small boxes and shoe boxes if you have any at home we would appreciate it if you could bring them in. We would also like plastic bottle tops and yoghurt pots please.
Please can we have some strong volunteers to help move a piano in to the nursery. It would need to be moved between the times of 4-5.30pm in the week. If anyone is available to do this can you let us know and we will try to arrange a date to fit. Many thanks.
Warm Clothes
Just a reminder that children have access to the garden all day and need warm, named clothes including hats and gloves.
Have a good weekend.
Kind regards
Sarah Honey
Administrative Assistant
Save the Date
(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change. Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)
Spring Term 2019 | |
January |
Thursday 3 |
Staff Training day (Nursery closed) |
Friday 4 | Term starts |
February | |
Monday 18 – Friday 22 | Half term (Nursery closed) |
Tuesday 13 | Forest School – Butterflies (PM) |
Thursday 15 | Forest School – Grasshoppers (AM) |
Thursday 15 | Forest School – Ladybirds (PM) |
Tuesday 20 | Forest School – Dragonflies (AM) |
Thursday 22 | Forest School – Beetles (AM) |
Friday 23 | Forest School – Centipedes (AM) |
December | |
Wednesday 19 | Autumn Term Closes |
Spring Term 2019 | |
January |
Thursday 3 |
Staff Training day (Nursery closed) |
Friday 4 | Term starts |
February | |
Monday 18 – Friday 22 | Half term (Nursery closed) |
April | |
Friday 5 | Spring Term Closes |
Summer Term | |
April | |
Tuesday 23 | Term Starts |
May | |
Monday 6 | May Day Bank Holiday (Nursery closed) |
Monday 27 – Friday 31 | Half Term (Nursery closed) |
June | |
Monday 3 | Staff Training Day (Nursery closed) |
July | |
Tuesday 23 | Summer Term closes |
Wednesday 24 | Staff Training Day (Nursery closed) |
Please note Nursery is closed on Staff Training days