Brunswick Mail 4/5/18

Dear Parents

International Evening

We will be holding an International Evening on Wednesday 23 May from 5.00pm to 6.30pm.  It is a great opportunity for pupils and parents to share their different cultures and we encourage families to bring in a dish to share.  Please see attached poster.

Friends of Brunswick

We would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who helped at, donated to and supported the Brunswick Spring Fair last Saturday. It was a fun and happy family event and we raised in the region of £840. This is a tremendous contribution towards our fundraising this year so thank you all very much.

Please look out for news about the recipe book in the coming weeks.

Available Places

Please could you spread the word that we still have places available for new children in September 2018.  Application forms can be submitted via our website for anyone you know that might be interested.  Many thanks.


Save the Date

(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change.  Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)



Weds 2                                                Mrs Leeper Story-Telling session

Weds 2                                                Helen Alderton- Photographs of children

Thur 17 am                                         Beetles Parent Consultations

Thur 17 pm                                         Spiders Parent Consultations

Fri 18 am                                            Grasshoppers Parent Consultations

Fri 18 pm                                            Centipedes Parent Consultations

Mon 21 am                                         Dragonflies Parent Consultations

Mon 21 pm                                         Caterpillars Parent Consultations

Tue 22 am                                           Fireflies Parent Consultations

Tues 22 pm                                         Ladybirds Parent Consultations

Weds 23                                              International Evening

Thur 24 am                                         Bumblebees Parent Consultations

Thur 24 pm                                         Butterfly Parent Consultations                                                                                                        


Summer Term           


Staff Training day Friday 25 May

Half Term                                            Mon 28 May – Fri 1 June

Summer Term Closes                         Tuesday 24 July 2018 (no afterschool club on this day)

  Please note nursery is closed on Staff Training days