Brunswick Mail – 5/03/21

Dear Parents/Carers

September Places

If you know anyone that may be needing a nursery place with us in September please ask them to send their application forms in as soon as possible.  We will be allocating places very soon.  Many thanks.

Red Nose Day

We are supporting Comic Relief, Red Nose Day, on Wednesday 17 March.  The theme this year is “Carnival” and children can dress up in this style or in red if they prefer.  We will have buckets for donations in the garden and appreciate any amount you can spare.

Otter and Hedgehogs

The above groups will be making fruit salad next week so please remember your usual offerings of fruit and maybe something a little extra to make it special.

Sharing virtually

If there are any parents/carers out there that would like to share any of their skills or cultural interests/activities then we would love to join in with you.  It may be in the form of stories, musical instruments or just the way you celebrate an important day in the calendar.

Please get in touch with your child’s Keyworker and they can help you set it up for their group.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Kind regards


Sarah Honey

Administrative Assistant


Save the Date

(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change.  Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)

Please note that the Nursery is closed on Staff Training Days.


Spring Term 2021 Staff Training day Monday 4 January 2021
Tuesday 5 January Term starts
Monday 15 February – Friday 19 February Half Term
Wednesday 3 March World Book Day at Brunswick 
Wednesday 17 March Red Nose Day (for Comic Relief) dress up carnival style
Friday 26 March 2021 Spring Term Closes
Summer Term 2021 Staff Training day – Monday 12 April
Tuesday 13 April Term Starts
Monday 3 May May Day Bank Holiday
Friday 28 May Staff Training Day
Monday 31 May – Friday 4 June Half Term
Summer Term Closes Thursday 22 July 2021