Brunswick Mail – 7/6/19

Dear Parents

Friends & Family Café

We have the above taking place on Wednesday 12 June from 8.45am to 3.45pm (excluding lunchtime 11.45-12.45) and would love you all to come and play with any friends or family that would like to come with you.

We would much appreciate any donations of cakes or biscuits, homemade or bought, but ask that anything you bring does not contain nuts.

 Many thanks.

 Have a wonderful weekend.

 Kind regards

Sarah Honey

Administrative Assistant

Save the Date

(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change.  Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)

Summer Term
Monday 3 Staff Training Day (Nursery closed)
Wednesday 5 International Evening
Wednesday 12 Friends & Family Cafe
Tuesday 18 Grasshoppers Forest School AM
Thursday 20 Centipedes Forest School AM
Thursday 20 Ladybirds Forest School PM
Tuesday 25 Dragonflies Forest School (all day)
Thursday 27 Beetles Forest School AM
Thursday 27 Butterflies Forest School PM
Tuesday 2 Caterpillars Forest School (all day)
Thursday 4 Bumblebees Forest School AM
Thursday 18 11.15am Bumblebees, Grasshoppers & Fireflies Singing to parents
Tuesday 23
2.40pm Caterpillars & Dragonflies Singing to parents
Tuesday 23
3.15pm Butterflies & Ladybirds Singing to parents
Tuesday 23 Summer Term closes (No afterschool club)
Wednesday 24 Staff Training Day (Nursery closed)

Please note Nursery is closed on Staff Training days