Dear Parents
Food from home
Can we please ask that parents do not send any food (except fruit) into Nursery either in children’s bags or arrive at nursery eating. We have several children attending who have severe allergies and certain foods could prove life threatening if they come in to contact with them. Many thanks.
Friends of Brunswick
We have some exciting fund raising activities planned over the coming months. Please read on….
Chinese New Year
On Wednesday 21st February at 11.45 and 3.45 we will be holding a Chinese New Year Celebration sale. We will be selling Chinese food (dumplings, boiled eggs cooked in tea leaves and herbs, Chinese snacks), lanterns, Chinese themed biscuits and homemade fortune cookies. Each fortune cookie will contain a fortune message or a lucky winning gold or silver prize winning ticket! Please come along and support us!
(We would be grateful of dog or Chinese themed nut-free biscuits/bakes for this event – not other bakes please as this is a special themed event.)
Spring Fair
Please save the date for our Spring Fair which will be at Brunswick in the afternoon on Saturday 28th April. There will be more information on this in due course.
Recipe book
We are planning to produce an exciting Brunswick recipe book which will also be a fantastic souvenir of your time in this wonderful nursery. For this we would like you to provide some content! At this stage, we are asking for you to provide us with your favourite family recipe – 1 recipe per family. We have provided a Word template which we would like completed electronically and returned to Friday 2nd March. We are also seeking parents who may be able to help with photography, illustration or sponsorship for the book. If any parents with businesses would be willing to consider a modest sponsorship or can contribute their skills and time, please also contact Helen.
New recruits to the FoB committee
We are always keen to welcome new recruits to the committee. If anybody would like to get involved, in particular new parents to the nursery, please contact
Have a good half term and we will see you all back on Monday 19 February.
Best regards
Sarah Barton
Administration Assistant
Save the Date
(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change. Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)
Spring Term 2018 Staff Training day Wed 3 January 2018
Term starts Thursday 4 January
Half Term Mon 12 February – Fri 16 February
Weds 21 Chinese New Year
Spring Term Closes Thursday 29 March 2018
Sat 28 FoB Spring Fair
Summer Term Staff Training day Monday 16 April
Term Starts Tuesday 17 April
May Day Bank Holiday Mon 7 May
Staff Training day Friday 25 May
Half Term Mon 28 May – Fri 1 June
Summer Term Closes Tuesday 24 July 2018 (no afterschool club on this day)
Please note nursery is closed on Staff Training days