Dear Parents Picking up Can we please ask that you make sure you collect your child promptly at the end of their session. Morning sessions finish at 11.45am and afternoon sessions at 3.45pm. If your child is in after-school club the session finishes at 5.15pm. This is for the benefit of your child and the Continue reading
Category: Uncategorized
Brunswick Mail – 28/9/18
Dear Parents/Carers Toys from Home Please can we request that children do not bring any toys, books or games in from home as they have a tendency to get lost or broken. We have plenty of things here for the children to play with and they get very upset if they lose their favourite toy. Continue reading
Brunswick Mail – 14/9/2018
Dear Parents/Carers Welcome to Brunswick Mail! Brunswick Mail is an important link between Brunswick and parents used to pass on weekly activity information, letters about trips, events and other miscellaneous information. As a rule we try not to send out paper copies so please keep an eye on your inbox. The subject line of all Continue reading
Brunswick Mail 20/7/18
Dear Parents Singing Please remember to check below when your child has their end of year singing. Survey We have sent out a request for parents to complete a survey and questionnaire by email today and would really appreciate it if you could take a few moments to complete these. The feedback helps us to Continue reading
Brunswick Mail 13/7/18
Dear Parents Singing Please remember that our end of year singing is happening on Friday 20th and Tuesday 24 July. Please check below on timings for your child’s group. After School Club Please can we remind you that on Tuesday 24 July (last day) there is no after-school club. Friends of Brunswick Heptathlon Many thanks Continue reading