Brunswick Mail – 7/10/2022

Dear Parents/Carers Autumn Please still bring in your Autumn treasures to share with us in nursery. Modelling We would still like donations of junk for modelling.  Nothing too big as storage is limited.  Many thanks Appropriate clothing      Please can you make sure your child has clothing for wet/cold weather.  Some children are arriving without coats. Continue reading

Brunswick Mail – 23/09/22

Dear Parents/Carers Wet Weather Please can you make sure that your child comes to school in appropriate clothing for the weather.  They will need waterproofs, wellies (you can keep a pair here) for wet weather.  A warm coat, hat and gloves are also required for when the cold weather begins. Parent/Governor vacancy Please find attached Continue reading

Brunswick Mail – 16/09/22

Dear Parents/Carers Welcome to Brunswick Mail! Please note that Monday 19 September is now a Bank Holiday and the nursery will be closed. Brunswick Mail is an important link between Brunswick and parents used to pass on weekly activity information, letters about trips, events and other miscellaneous information.  As a rule we try not to Continue reading

Brunswick Mail – 18/03/2022

Dear Parents/Carers World Down Syndrome Day On Monday 21 March we will celebrate World Down Syndrome Day and ask that children (and parents if you would like to) to wear odd socks or the craziest socks you own!  This helps start a conversation about Down Syndrome and raise awareness which encourages inclusion and understanding.  Unfortunately Continue reading