Integrated Care

Brunswick Nursery School Integrated Care runs alongside our funded educational places. We offer additional care for parents to buy into from 8.00am to 5.15pm.  15/30 hours per week will be funded by the Local Education Authority.

8 to 8.45am Breakfast Club
Children are offered a choice of Weetabix, cornflakes or porridge followed by toast with butter, marmite, jam or honey. Apple juice or milk is available to drink.

8.45 to 11.45am Morning session
Free play through out the nursery with the garden open from 9.15-11.00am.

11 to 11.15am
Tidy up time ready for small group time.

11.15 to 11.45am
Small group time.

11.45 to 12.45pm Lunch Club
A hot meal is provided, menus are posted on the kitchen door at the beginning of the week. Rest time in the Funnell Room.

1.00 – to 4.00pm Afternoon session
Free play throughout the nursery with the garden open from 1.15-3pm.

3 to 3.15 pm
Tidy up time ready for small group time.

3.15 to 3.45pm
Small group time.

3.45 to 5.15pm After School Club
Snack time and free play including the outside area.

Click here for our current Terms & Conditions including Fees from September 2024