Brunswick Mail – 25/9/20

Dear Parents/Carers The first two points were in the last mail but we do need to remind parents/carers as this is not always happening.  Thank you for your co-operation. Entering and Exiting the Nursery Please can we ask that you do not hold the door open for others unless you know they come to the Continue reading

Brunswick Mail – 2/10/20

Dear Parents/Carers I just wanted to mention that our weekly email is somewhat depleted due to the Covid pandemic.  Usually our email would be full of information and dates of planned events but we are unable to do a lot of these things at present.  We hope things will pick up once normality resumes! Applying Continue reading

Brunswick Mail – 18/9/20

Dear Parents/Carers Welcome to Brunswick Mail! Brunswick Mail is an important link between Brunswick and parents used to pass on weekly activity information, letters about trips, events and other miscellaneous information.  As a rule we try not to send out paper copies so please keep an eye on your inbox.  The subject line of all Continue reading