Brunswick Mail 11/5/18

Dear Parents Please find attached This Week at Brunswick and Sign of the Week. Photographs We have had delivery of the photographic proofs which will be sent home via the registers.  You can order online until 18th May for free delivery to Brunswick, after this date you will pay a delivery charge.  Any other orders Continue reading

Brunswick Mail 4/5/18

Dear Parents International Evening We will be holding an International Evening on Wednesday 23 May from 5.00pm to 6.30pm.  It is a great opportunity for pupils and parents to share their different cultures and we encourage families to bring in a dish to share.  Please see attached poster. Friends of Brunswick We would like to Continue reading

Brunswick Mail 27/4/18

Dear Parents Parent Consultations We will be holding the Parent Consultations from Thursday 17 to Thursday 24 May.  There will be a sign up sheet with your Keyworker.  Please see attached sheet for more information. Nursery School Photographs Helen Alderton our Nursery Photographer will be coming on Wednesday 2 May to take photographs of the Continue reading

Brunswick Mail 23/4/18

Dear Parents Use of Garden We are very happy for parents/children to use the garden after their sessions but can we please remind parents to vacate the garden by 12.15pm for our lunchtime children and 4.15pm at the very latest as our After-School Club uses it from this time. Bikes Can we please request that Continue reading

Brunswick Mail 23/3/18

Dear Parents Please find attached This Week at Brunswick and Sign of the Week. Friends of Brunswick Many thanks for all your support for the cake sale. We raised a very respectable £149.63. Please save the date for the Spring Fair – 2-4pm on Saturday 28th April and please start collecting filled jars/bottles as well Continue reading